Helen Croker
Senior Research Fellow, UCL

Helen is Senior Research Fellow at UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health and unit manager of the NIHR Policy Research Unit in Obesity. Her principal areas of interest are adult and childhood obesity, and developing and evaluating behaviour change interventions. 

Research includes evaluating policies, promoting healthy pregnancies, mapping obesity prevention policies, understanding the impact of advertising and food labelling. She previously worked in the Department of Behavioural Science and Health, UCL as a Clinical Research Dietitian. She has worked on a number of obesity treatment and prevention evaluations, including for childhood obesity, Change4Life, the NCMP, an intervention to change eating and activity habits women living with obesity during pregnancy, and a weight management intervention for adults with intellectual disabilities. 

She supervises a number of PhD students, runs undergraduate and masters level modules, and regularly presents and trains health professionals in behaviour change. She is a committee member of the BDA Obesity Specialist Group and Secretary for the charity Weight Concern.

Further information is available here - https://iris.ucl.ac.uk/iris/browse/profile?upi=HCROK65