Dr Perla Eleftheriou MD MRCP FRCPath
Consultant Haematologist, University College Hospital London (UCLH), UK

Perla Eleftheriou is a Consultant Haematologist at UCLH, where she also serves as the Clinical and Clinical Governance Lead of the Red Cell Haematology Department. The UCLH Red Cell Haematology department is a specialist centres for haemoglobinopathies in the UK and one of the few haemoglobinopathy coordinating centres in the country. Her area of expertise is red cell disorders, which include hemoglobinopathies, rare inherited anaemias and iron disorders. She is intensively involved in the outpatient and inpatient care of mainly adults, but also paediatric patients.

Dr Eleftheriou teaches haematology at UCL, the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, and the University of Westminster. She is  principal and UK chief investigator in numerous international clinical trials in the field of red cell disorders and rare inherited anaemias, including early phase clinical trials and contributes regularly in scientific advisory boards for innovative treatments in her area of expertise. She serves as a Clinical and Scientific Adviser to Thalassaemia International Federation, and is co-author and editor of national and international clinical guidelines and book chapters in hemoglobinopathies with publications in the field. She has presented her clinical and research work in numerous national and international conferences. She is a member of the UK National Haemoglobinopathy Panel and lead of the national sickle cell education and teaching committee. During the recent pandemic years, she was a core member of the UK haemoglobinopathy COVID-19 working group.