Barbara Nugent BSc (Hons), PgC (MRI), DCR(R) MRI and CT Superintendent Radiographer |
Barbara is the MRI and CT Superintendent Radiographer in the Royal Hospital for Sick Children, NHS Lothian. She is a visiting lecturer at Queen Margaret University for the Postgraduate MRI course and an Honorary lecturer for JCA Seminars. She is the current Scottish Radiographer of the year in recognition of her commitment to improving MRI safety culture and paediatric CT protocols.
As a National Education for Scotland (NES), Career Learning Fellow, she found substantial support from MRI staff for creation of online MRI safety courses which it is hoped will help improve MRI safety practice.
Barbara is the Clinical Lead for the MRI Safety project. A network of MRI safety experts and a range of professional organisations (NES, IRIC, IPEM, BIR, RCR, MHRA, BAMRR, SCoR, MRAG, ISMRM and the AAGBI), are collaborating and endorse this safety resource. As part of a wider NES MRI safety project, Barbara is also coordinating development of a multi-faceted approach to all the risks and hazards associated with MRI to help ensure the safest possible MRI service.